Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Faith in Humanity

    Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been really busy with school work and what not, but what I wanted to talk about is faith in humanity. If any of you have been watching the news then you know what is a HUGE news story right now (for those that don't click this link) The news media is taking this incident and  using it to make it sensational, it isn't enough that they have a man who is a pedophile and two people higher up than Joe getting canned. No they have to go after the only guy who did anything about it. He did report it two his two higher ups he tried to do something about the incident. There is no evidence of him trying to cover anything up. If you want further proof during his retirement speech all I repeat ALL of the players gave him a standing ovation. If the players who were closest to their coach didn't think he did anything wrong; I say this because they were not forced to give a standing ovation, why should the rest of the public.

    It bothers me that the public is so easily swayed that they can persecute a man that did what he could and was the only one to stand up and do what was right. It also bothers me that the university that this man took to 409 wins would so easily just give him up to this angry mob and basically force him to retire.

    If you do the right thing and are still considered the "bad guy" you have to question what type of society it is that we live in. But ultimately you have to question your faith in humanity.

Leave your thoughts below

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Now everyone knows that PETA has done some over the top things in the past while trying to get their message across. (warning the links are graphic) From showing dead animals to scantily clad women. They even had a few TV ads banned because they just had gone too far. Now PETA wants to push the envelope even more and has decided that the racy ads are what get more people to listen to their message. Therefore, they think it is a good idea to open a PETA porn site.

Yes, shock is a very effective way to get your message across but when does it stop becoming a message and more of just a stunt/gimmick? What do you guys think do you think? Has PETA gone too far with this one or do you think this will somehow help them get the word out for the ethical treatment of animals?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ordinary Life

This is going to be a tad bit ironic on a blog called "A Not So Typical Life", but what is so bad about living a normal human life? You know the one; you get married,  have a job, take care of your spouse and kids, get old and die. Nothing out of the ordinary, no huge achievements for history to remember you by. Just you enjoying your time on this earth with the ones that you love.

It seems today that people want the newest and greatest things. Like the new Iphone 5 or that new car your neighbor has in their driveway. Maybe the newest and greatest isn't material, maybe it's that coveted boss position at work, or that new twenty year old you get with if you had tons of money. Why is it that our society thinks you have to do something exciting to be happy? Now I'm not knocking those people who want to be the next Albert Einstein, or a more modern example Mark Zuckerberg. It's great that they have those aspirations if that is really what they want, but if it's what society has forced upon them then it is most certainly not okay.

As a society if we never tell the younger generation that it's okay to be normal, to be just average then can we really blame that generation for thinking they are a failure if they get straight B's? That kids will commit suicide because they weren't special enough? That is not a society I want to live in. I just want to tell them that it is okay to be average and to be normal. Normal people don't always succeed on the first try and that's okay.

I don't want to have a special life, I just want the normal one and that should be okay.
Just some food for thought.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Astrobiology has a purpose?!?

So I know I'm not the only one amazed and quite frankly stunned that NASA has (at least according to them) Found life on Saturn's moon. Haven't heard about it yet? Here this link should catch you up to speed So my question is this what do you think would/will happen if we do find life? Are we going to snuff it out and take over the moon so we have a place to go if we turn earth to a crap hole? Or do you think we could be peaceful and not try and dissect the new life under the microscope of NASA and the Government.

Sure there is no guarantee or even evidence to say that this is intelligent life, and I'm not saying that it is it could be just a few bacteria on a rock that has NASA so excited. Granted any new life found outside of earth is a feat in itself. But what do we do then? Just some food for though leave some comments if you really want to

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Liberal Arts Core

As a college kid towards the end of the sememster it is tough to actually not be stressed out. What with everything due just before Thanksgiving break and all that stuff that is due on the last 2 weeks of class. Now I understand that teachers want to give you as much time as possible in order to make your papers, projects and whatever else they consider a big asignment the best there ever was. This is fine for the classes that are your major because it’s what you are going to be doing when you get out in the real world and hey if you seem to hate it you probably should think about switching to a different major. But what about those classes the college forces you to take?
Sure they say it’s to make you a well rounded individual, but wasn’t that what highschool was for? Where you have to take X Y and Z in order to graduate  and if you didn’t pass so many standardized tests for each category (english, history, math ect.) you  would have to go back and take it again next year. Now in college you get to choose what it is you actually want to do; hence why you are going to college(hopefully).
 Why take a middle school math class just to satisfy your Math requirement that the school thinks you should have. If I couldn’t have passed math in middle school how the heck did I end up here in college? I mean come on! It’s just a huge waste of my time and yours and even the professors because heck if the student doesn’t want to be there and doesn’t want to learn (or go over stuff he or she already knows) then you can’t force them to. Liberal requirements are a joke. If I had wanted to know more about science I would have been a science major. I mean where the heck is bio going to help you if you are a english teacher? Or how is physics going to help if you are a comm major? These are things you probably will never in your life use in those professions and I’m sure there are plenty more examples. But my point is this why take pointless classes when you could use that time or slot in order to graduate on time, get a minor, or if you are lucky graduate early.
College is too expensive to be wasting your time in classes you won’t ever use.